Officially introducing Judith Mukakayange as the Community Health and Support Coordinator. Many of you will remember Judith from some years ago when she used to work with us part time. She left us for a full time positing with the African Programme at(the then called) NZAF. After many years, she has come back to us, more experiences, more beautiful and more wonderful than ever.
Judith started last year in November, but we have not officially introduced her, as we have not done a newsletter for a long time so we wanted to let you all know she is back and if you didn’t know Judith from before, please reach out and say Hi.
Judith's roles are twofold. She works on health promotion projects and also, which is most dear to her heart, is her work supporting people living with HIV.
One of the projects Judith has spearheaded is the Treat Yourself Right zoom support workshops. Initially she was intending to run the workshops every two or three months, but people have been asking for more, so they now run every month on the 1st Thursday of the Month. One month there will be a specific topic for discussion and the second month will just be a social event to bring a glass of wine and have a chat about anything which comes up.
Attendance is by invite only to ensure confidentiality. If you are a heterosexual woman or man, trans or bi, and would like to come along, please contact Judith at judith@positivewomen.nz
Please note, people who are unknown to us will be asked to get their HIV specialist to send us a letter confirming you are living with HIV.
Going forward Judith will write an article for the newsletter to keep you updated about the work she is doing.