While we continued to offer our services throughout COVID, we have felt the onward effects as organisations and learning institutes grapple with events and how to run them safely and within the restriction guidelines. However, since the move to the orange traffic light level, we are slowly seeing a return to business as usual and an increase in face-to-face speaker bookings once more – we look forward to seeing more PSB engagements in the second half of 2022.
Our work with secondary school is really important. Paul spoke at Hobsonville Point Secondary School’s year 12/13 health students back in April and it was well-received.
“Great speaker, was really good to hear someone talk about their personal experience with HIV and how they are making a positive change. It is important to educate the younger generation and give them the correct information! Year 12 student, Hobsonville Point Secondary School.
We have also had two interviews – The NZ Herald around HIV and the International AIDS Candlelight memorial and just recently, Jane was part of an interview for Maori TV.
It was lovely to have speakers back to speak at the annual candlelight memorial hosted by Body Positive in Auckland.
Change at the PSB
After four years I have decided to step down as the PSB Coordinator. I am delighted to continue working for Positive Women Inc on other projects including helping out at the Whakataki New Speakers training and kick-starting a new project developing an HIV educational resource for the aged care workforce.
Working with the PSB speakers has been incredibly special for me. Their courage and passion for change is enduring. I am immensely proud of the impact PSB has in destigmatising HIV and empowering people living with HIV to be at the centre of that change. In the meantime, I will keep the PSB waka paddling until the new coordinator can take the hīrau (paddle).
He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata. What is the most important thing in the world? It is people, it is people, it is people.
Ngā mihi o Matariki, te tau hou Māori! – enjoy this opportunity to reflect on the year that has passed, celebrate the present, and plan for the future.
Abby x