We are thrilled to share with you that our HIV Essentials online course received an endorsement from the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP). This means that any GPs who complete our HIV Essential course can claim 2 credits towards their continuing professional development. Along with the NZ Midwifery Association and the NZ Dental Associations brings our total number of endorsements to three!
Next month we are presenting an online webinar to rural health professionals with an audience expected of up to 200 – so there is clearly a need by health professionals to access online education (especially in more isolated rural communities) and we are incredibly happy to be able to provide this.
Just under 12 months since launching (with no budget for marketing) and just word of mouth and support from our sector partners, we have just had our 350th person complete the course – ka mau te wehi!
However, we would still like to see more people living with HIV complete the course. We strongly believe that everyone living with HIV should have access to up-to-date and accurate information about HIV. You don’t need to be an expert but understanding HIV can help reduce self-stigma as well as help educate others. If you haven’t already, try it – empower yourself or validate what you already know.
And finally, we are thrilled to congratulate our 14 successful applicants for this years’ Whakataki New Speakers Training Programme. We are really excited to have you as part of our whānau, and we look forward to supporting you on your journey to becoming PSB Community Educators. The programme kicks off next week with an online hui and information session.
If you would like to have someone from the PSB come and speak at your workplace/school/event, reach out through our website www.positivespeakers.org.nz – this is a free, nationwide, service.