Manawa maiea te putanga o Matariki
Hail the rise of Matariki
Manawa maiea e ariki o te rangi
Hail the loard of the Sky
Manawa maiea te matahi o te tau
Hail the new year
Tena hoki Koutou katoa, greetings to you all
This time of year is magical, with winter settling in and the cold snaps are being felt around the country, a way of nature ensuring that we feel its presence. However, with the rise of Matariki it is also a time to reflect, embrace, and engage in new beginnings. A time to plant, a time to fish, a time to rekindle relationships, showing peace, joy and aroha.
The women's retreat was certainly a highlight for the Board but he anxiety was high as the Board has done some truly amazing work in regards to working together and strengthening our connections with each other and always keeping the wellbeing of PWI at the forefront of our work. There is a culture within the Board which aligns to the values, principles and purposes of Positive Women INc. and of course as those of us who attended the retreat experienced, Matariki.
We are continuing to incorporate Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its principles into the way we operate making a conscious effort that we meet the diverse nature of our members.
Three members had expressed an interest in being part of the governance of PWI, so a special thank you to these three wonderful women. The Board prides itself in being efficient and effective working collaboratively with our NGO at all times. The current Board members are looking forward to working with you all.
The Board has made it a practice that we always have open communication with our NGO working together to achieve our purpose. One project we are working on is the Strategic Plan. This is still a work in progress but a document that will guide Positive Women Inc. into the future of new beginnings.
PWI said farewell to Luca, Marietta and Megan. The Board wishes these amazing women, and Luca, the best for the future. The Board thank you all for the time spent with us in helping to propel us into the future of some new beginnings. You have left a huge void: however I am sure the future of PWI will continue to manifest greatness.
Again, thank you to all the members of Positive Women Inc. You are all amazing, strong, intelligent women and I am humbled to help lead sua prestigious group of women.
Na te Atua koutou e manaaki e taiki I nga wa katoa
Aio ki te Ao rangi, Aroha ki te Ao rangi
Koa ki te Ao rangi, Pono ki te Ao rangi
Peace, Love, Joy and Truth to the universe
Board Co-chair